Open Hours:

Mon - Fri | 8:30 am - 5:00 pm

Redefining Supplier Diversity E-Learning

ChicagoMSDC has collaborated with RGMA to offer a developmental tool for supplier diversity professionals and MBEs! Redefining Supplier Diversity provides insight and understanding through historical content, lessons learned and statistics. From the newly positioned to the seasoned professional, this information will help leaders and teams improve performance to reach milestones or that next level. The recent or well-established business owner will benefit by strategically positioning themselves as they dive into the training specifically designed for MBEs. Through our special offer, we encourage you to take part in a resource that’s not just for one-time usage, but available up to one year to deepen knowledge and demystify supplier diversity. Make your journey more meaningful today!

RGMA is the trusted name in supplier and business diversity. They specialize in advising clients, including diverse businesses, private equity firms and major advocacy organizations on crafting tailored, impactful strategies that yield the desired results for all participating stakeholders.